
Install List

linux (debian/ubuntu) install list

last update(ish) 2024/09
work in progress - beta - use on your own risk - no warranty

apt install after reinstall: (ubuntu)

sudo apt install wireshark nmap masscan filezilla terminator net-tools tlp keepass2 whois ipcalc firejail hwinfo ufw neofetch bashtop btop p7zip zeal ghostwriter ntpdate hexedit wxhexeditor mlocate ncdu falkon gufw virtualbox curl sslscan geoip-bin vlc remmina pass micro jq

AGRH! hvad er jeg i gang med at installere??!??

Need to do after apt install

'Her kommer der noget klogt med tiden'
tlp start
ufw enable
zeal - Tools -> Docsets -> Available -> choose'n'Download :-)
Add shortcut to terminator -> 'settings' -> 'keyboard' -> 'keyboard shortcut' -> 'custom shortcuts'

Extra (No apt install)

gnome extensions (via firefox - not the snap version!)


pulsar editor - pulsar

Firefox extensions
* ublock origin
* gnome extensions
* fireshot
* open multiple

What have I installed?

apt list --manual-installed
apt-mark showmanual

Need there own pages:

find - [CTRL+f] or [F3] - regex search :-) - list of keybindings